a nugget of wisdom

I never cease to be a little embarrassed when an old adage finally clicks in my brain and I realize that these sayings we have heard all our lives are repeated for a reason.

Biggest cliche: “Live in the moment.” Turns out to be a profound truth after all.

Last week someone challenged me to “live in the moment”, particularly the moments when I was feeling the least amorous to my children. You know, like that moment of Candyland where I want to throw the game across the room if I have to remind someone one more time that it is their turn.

So I did it. When my patience started to wane I took a deep breath and tried to appreciate the moment.

It works.

I just started reading a book that I have high hopes will teach me to be more present and still. I’m anticipating further insights that I look forward to sharing.

3 thoughts on “a nugget of wisdom

  1. When you said, so I did it, I thought you meant you threw the game across the room! LOL! That would be a funny story, but not so funny in action, I'm sure.Let me know how the book goes. I'd love to hear if it's good.


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